Ectopic pregnancy occurs when the fertilization of the egg in the woman takes place outside the uterus. Most often it occurs in one of the fallopian tubes (called a tubal pregnancy), but it can also occur elsewhere in the cervix or abdominal region. An ectopic pregnancy does not progress and can cause serious complications, including death, for pregnant women.
The incidence rate of ectopic pregnancy has increased steadily over the past 50 years, from an estimated 1% to 3% of all pregnancies. This condition is a leading cause of serious pregnancy complications and is responsible for over 75% of women's deaths in the first trimester. However, the results have been greatly improved due to advances in clinical techniques and treatments.
Ectopic pregnancy symptoms
signs of ectopic pregnancy
An ectopic pregnancy can cause cramping, shoulder pain or weakness, and dizziness on one or both sides of the lower abdomen, as well as typical pregnancy symptoms such as breast tenderness, nausea, and missed periods. Some women may have vaginal bleeding or spotting, and levels of the pregnancy hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) may be higher than normal.
Although many of the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy are similar to those of a healthy pregnancy, it is important to seek care if you are pregnant and experiencing any painful symptoms and weakness.
98% of ectopic pregnancy occurs in the fallopian tubes. If left untreated, an unintended pregnancy can progress until it ruptures the fallopian tubes, causing heavy internal bleeding in the abdomen and shock. Its breakdown can cause severe abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding, dizziness, and fainting.
An ectopic pregnancy is a scary condition that requires immediate treatment.
ectopic pregnancy treatment
ectopic pregnancy treatment
Diagnosing an ectopic pregnancy can be challenging, as it is not easy to confirm the location of the fetus in the pregnancy. In addition to blood tests to check pregnancy hormone levels, your blood type, and blood count, the doctor may use a transvaginal ultrasound to check if the gestational sac is visible in the uterus.
hcg level
Your hCG levels may be tested to check the rate at which the hormone builds up in your blood over time. In normal pregnancies, hormones should double every two days. If hCG levels are not rising as expected, this may indicate a problem with the pregnancy, but this alone is not a sign of an ectopic pregnancy.
The location of the fetus is detected by ultrasound. Sometimes, it is too early to diagnose an ectopic pregnancy via ultrasound because the embryo and the gestational sac are very small at this time. If this happens, the ectopic pregnancy ultrasound is repeated after some time.
If the gestational sac is not visible in the uterus, you are likely to have an ectopic pregnancy.
In urgent situations, a laparoscopy procedure is performed for diagnosis and treatment. This surgery is done in the operating room. And if an ectopic pregnancy is confirmed laparoscopically, the surgeon will remove the fetus during the procedure.
What causes ectopic pregnancy? (ectopic pregnancy causes)
In a healthy pregnancy, the egg and sperm meet in the fallopian tubes, and form an embryo, and then implant and develop in the uterus. In ectopic pregnancies, the embryo does not make it to the uterus and implants elsewhere.
A common cause of ectopic pregnancy is due to an abnormality of the fallopian tubes in particular. There are blockages, swelling, or malformed areas in the fallopian tubes that can cause the embryo to become stuck and implant in the wrong place. This problem can be caused by surgery or infection of the fallopian tubes.
Another cause is hormonal imbalance, especially estrogen. Apart from this, fetal abnormalities can also be a reason. Still, not much is known about how, why and when ectopic pregnancy occurs. However, researchers have found several problems that can lead to an ectopic pregnancy.
Some known causes of ectopic pregnancy
There may be some well-known reasons in a person with ectopic pregnancy, some of which are as follows:-
birth defects of the fallopian tubes
history of infertility
History of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), especially chlamydia
in vitro fertilization
pelvic inflammatory disease
previous ectopic pregnancy
progestin-only birth control pills
Scars on the fallopian tubes (possibly from a ruptured appendix or previous pelvic surgery)
tubal sterilization
using an IUD
when to call the doctor
If you are concerned about an ectopic pregnancy but do not have symptoms, call your doctor as soon as possible for advice. And if symptoms are visible, consult your doctor.
warning signs of ectopic pregnancy
Symptoms of ectopic pregnancy include the following:
lower back pain
sudden, severe abdominal or pelvic pain
shoulder pain
fainting or dizziness
ectopic pregnancy treatment
There are two main types of treatment for ectopic pregnancy: chemical and surgical. Treatment will always depend on where in the body the embryo has implanted as well as how far the ectopic pregnancy has developed.
medical system
Chemical treatment is done with a drug called methotrexate. It is used in non-urgent cases. Methotrexate is given by injection and stops an ectopic pregnancy from progressing without damaging the tubes and other organs. Over the next few weeks, the tissues will be absorbed by the body.
Blood tests to measure the level of hCG, a hormone found only in pregnancy, can determine whether further treatment is needed. To make sure the pregnancy tissue has been completely absorbed, you will be closely monitored with blood tests until hCG levels return to zero.
Until the ectopic pregnancy is completely resolved, it is not safe to get pregnant again.
surgical intervention
If there is a risk of having an ectopic pregnancy or the fallopian tube has already ruptured, then this condition is life-threatening. The treatment for these cases is surgery to remove the fetus. Surgery is also usually performed if the pregnancy is in progress or there is another medical reason not to use chemical treatments. If the bleeding cannot be stopped, more extensive surgery is needed. 7
Sometimes, doctors must remove the fallopian tubes and, in rare cases, perform a hysterectomy to save the woman's life.
suffering from ectopic pregnancy
Being unhappy with an ectopic pregnancy is a little different from other forms of abortion. In addition to losing your baby with an ectopic pregnancy, your future fertility is also affected. Be sure to give yourself time to cope emotionally as well as recover physically. stages of grief after miscarriage
Some women may also struggle that the baby is developing normally and may have a heartbeat at the time of surgery. Even though you can understand that the child could never have lived, there are still mixed feelings about ending up.
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